Preferred Cancellation Services

States Cancellation Dates

Paying a Company To Rent or Sell Your Timeshare

Paying a Company To Rent or Sell Your Timeshare

Thousands of people are desperate to get out of their timeshare contracts. Since they want out so badly, folks often look into exit alternatives that aren’t helpful. This article will explain the disadvantages of paying a company to rent or sell your timeshare. You could end up with a bigger mess on your hands if you decide to go with one of these choices.

Getting Down To Brass Tacks

Unlike real estate, timeshares don’t increase in value. After all, a timeshare is ultimately a vacation membership, not a piece of property. Since it’s not actually a piece of real estate, your timeshare is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. The resort doesn’t determine the price. Resorts often lie to potential buyers and owners and tell them that selling their timeshare is a straightforward process they can get into if they’re unhappy. Salespeople do this to get clients’ money and rope them into something that drains them dry for years.

The IRS also doesn’t value timeshares, so there’s no point in selling. The IRS doesn’t offer tax breaks to individuals or membership earning equities. Renting out your space is another gamble altogether. You could end up being liable for damages if the contract isn’t concrete. The rental pool is also incredibly limited, so the chances you’ll find interested parties are very slim. For these reasons, it doesn’t make sense to pay a company to rent or sell your timeshare. Instead, you should work with a trusted exit company who knows what they’re doing and can legally cancel your agreement.

Preferred Cancellation Services values integrity above all else. Our team is transparent with our clients, and we do what it takes to get the job done. We specialize in timeshare cancel services, and we won’t sit by and let any resort manipulate you in staying. So please, contact us before you attempt to rent or sell your timeshare. The phone call could change your life.

Toby Reutter-Harrah