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How Long Does a Timeshare Contract Last?

How Long Does a Timeshare Contract Last?

Timeshares are horrible investments. The vacation property rarely lives up to owners’ expectations. Since timeshares cause so many headaches, people always try to get out of their agreements. This article will answer the question, how long does a timeshare contract last? The answers will make you think twice before signing anything.

Right-to-Use Timeshares

There are two types of timeshares people can choose from. The first option is something called a right-to-use timeshare. RTU timeshares are usually easier for people to cancel. Under these contracts, owners pick a specific week out of the year when they can use it. Most of the time, the week doesn’t change throughout the contract’s duration. Every few years, owners must renew their agreements. During the renewal process, people can choose to opt-out of the contract. However, this process isn’t as easy as it seems.

Timeshare companies are notorious for manipulating their customers. RTU agreements do offer people a chance to remove themselves from the situation. However, these chances are few and far between. Owners can only leave their agreements once the renewal period arrives. Some businesses offer a renewal session every few years. Manipulative companies, on the other hand, are unclear about their timelines. Some contracts are only up for renewal every 99 years. So, please, be extra careful before you sign anything. Even if you have the chance to get out, it may not be as easy as you think.

Deeded Timeshares

Deeded timeshares are when someone owns part of the property. A person has a deed and bill of sale that accompanies their timeshare contracts. These agreements are incredibly difficult to cancel. Usually, owners are liable for payments until they die. Some companies even harass bereaved loved ones upon the owner’s passing. You’ll need to contact a timeshare cancellation company to help you get out of this agreement. Preferred Cancellation Services will help you through this challenging journey. Our team is extremely knowledgeable about timeshare cancellation services. We’ll work tirelessly on your behalf to free you of this burden.

Toby Reutter-Harrah