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Understanding Timeshare Maintenance Fees

Understanding Timeshare Maintenance Fees

Timeshares are costly investments. For starters, people have to put down a hefty chunk of change to sign a contract in the first place. Then, interest rates can skyrocket after you’ve signed on the dotted line. Alongside those interest rates are the extremely expensive maintenance fees. This article will help anyone who’s struggling with understanding timeshare maintenance fees. These regular expenses can really put a hole in your wallet.

What are Maintenance Fees?

Timeshare maintenance fees are expenses that a resort charges an owner to maintain their property. These fees can include resort maintenance, property upkeep, security systems, and amenities. All of these features are essential to owning a timeshare. However, it’s ridiculous that owners have to pay monthly fees to get these services. These elements should be included in the original purchase price. Moreover, maintenance fees are typically one thousand dollars a month. Maintenance fees aren’t stagnant, either. The cost of these services can increase every year, so there’s no telling how much money you’ll spend over time. If a person can’t keep up with the payments, their timeshare could fall into foreclosure. Timeshare foreclosure will ruin your credit and make it impossible for you to get a loan in the future.

What to Do About Maintenance Fees

Timeshare owners must pay their maintenance fees before the due date every month. If they fall behind, resorts will hound them about payment. If you can’t keep up with your regular maintenance fees anymore, contact Preferred Cancellation Services today. Preferred Cancellation Services is a timeshare exit company that’ll work tirelessly to get you out of your contract. Our team members are experts on California timeshare cancellation services. We won’t stop until the resort stops pressuring you and you’re free of your timeshare burden.

Understanding timeshare maintenance fees is essential for anyone who’s under contract with a resort. While these expenses do cover necessary services like cleaning and security, they cost owners a ton of money every month. Also, there’s no guarantee they won’t increase every year. If your maintenance fees are draining you dry, call Preferred Cancellation Services immediately. The professionals at PCS will work to get you out of your contract so that you can keep cash in your wallet.

Toby Reutter-Harrah