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Timeshares: Fixed Week vs. Floating Week


Timeshares aren’t the dream vacation salespeople build them up to be. In fact, timeshares often create headaches for owners the longer they’re under contract. For starters, the continued maintenance fees and staggering interest rates are often too much to handle. Not to mention, timeshare scheduling is a mess. This article will discuss a fixed vs. a floating week for timeshares. You’ll come to find that neither option is ideal for vacationers.

Fixed Weekly Schedule

Tons of timeshares operate under a fixed weekly schedule. In this contract, timeshare owners can never change the days where they stay at their property. For example, if you agreed to use your timeshare from May 1st through May 8th when you signed on the dotted line, then you’ll have to stay at your timeshare for that week until your agreement ends. Some people like this rigid structuring because everything’s so planned out. However, most timeshare owners find a fixed schedule to be annoying. Fixed scheduling offers no flexibility whatsoever. Moreover, timeshare companies are very strict when it comes to sticking to the plan. If you know you have a wedding the week of your scheduled visit, most resorts won’t let you change your reservations. This uncooperativeness makes it nearly impossible to do anything whenever you want.

Floating Weekly Schedule

A floating schedule is a little more flexible than a fixed schedule, but not by much. In a floating schedule, timeshare owners can choose their vacation dates from a range of different options. So, they won’t have to use their vacation property the same week every year. However, the selection process is incredibly difficult. Most resorts operate under a “first come first serve” basis. This means you have to know which week you want to vacation and have backups in case someone else chooses your desired time. On the surface, a floating schedule may seem like a better choice, but you could end up with a horrible week that clashes with your schedule if the spots fill up quickly.

Timeshares are never worth the hassle. They’re too much money to maintain and there are so many better ways to vacation. Also, the scheduling is a disaster. Whether your timeshare is under a fixed or a floating schedule, you’ll always face some sort of problems. That’s why you should cancel your Bluegreen timeshare immediately. Bluegreen is one resort company that offers inflexible scheduling to timeshare owners. If you’re unable to utilize your timeshare as much as you’d like, please contact Preferred Cancellation Services today. Our team of experts will guide you through the legal process to help you get your life back to normal.

Toby Reutter-Harrah